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Benefits of the Power Window System

Benefits of the Power Window System

Now that it is warmer in Concord, NH, we are more inclined to cruise around town with our windows down. Since we are always in a hurry, we often take our cars for granted, especially the power windows. Did you know that decades ago, you would have to manually crank your window up and down? Let’s check out the pros of power windows vs manual windows.   BENEFITS OF HAVING POWER WINDOWS Safety Features If you have younger children, you may want to look for a Vehicle with functioning power windows. Most parents may be hesitant to leave their kids in the back seat with power windows for fear that they could injure themselves by messing with the window buttons. Have no fear with power windows as they have rear window locks or child-safety locks to prevent passengers from messing with the windows.  If you forget to initiate the lock feature, have no fear. Most modern vehicles have an automatic detection feature that distinguishes objects between the window and its closi ... read more

Are Coolant and Antifreeze the Same Thing?

Are Coolant and Antifreeze the Same Thing?

A car's radiator is immensely stressed during extreme winter temperatures because it can quickly fail, causing serious engine issues. In some circumstances, a problem with the radiator can warrant the need to replace it. To ensure that the engine weathers the icy conditions, antifreeze is used in the radiator. Many people use antifreeze and coolant interchangeably, but there's a difference. Let's try and understand that in-depth below. Are Antifreeze and Coolant the Same? If you say that antifreeze is a coolant, you might be right and wrong at the same time. Well, antifreeze and coolant are similar, but there's a difference. The former is a glycol-based fluid that must be mixed with water in the ratio of 1:1 for use. It is that antifreeze/water mixture that is called coolant. The major component in antifreeze is ethylene glycol, which ensures that the coolant doesn't freeze despite the sub-zero conditions that come with winter. It does that by lowering the freez ... read more

Why Does My Car Squeal When I Reverse?

Why Does My Car Squeal When I Reverse?

Many people report that their cars squeal only when in reverse. No, this is not a human response to the gate or trashcan you might be too close to for comfort but rather a sign that something might be amiss with your braking system. Or it could simply be an integral part of your car's makeup that is specially designed to warn you when it is time to take a look at your brakes. Here are some possible causes for your car's brakes squealing as you are reversing. Most often what is heard is a 'squealer' attached to the brakes. This is designed so that when the pads wear down to a certain point this piece of metal will rub against the rotor, making the high-pitched squealing noise to notify the driver that it is time to have the brakes checked out. However, if the noise goes away when brakes are applied then it could be as a result of something else causing the sound. One of the first things to check is the brakes' wear tabs that are situated on the e ... read more

Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Vehicle in its Best Shape

Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Vehicle in its Best Shape

Buying a car is one of the major investment decisions you can ever make. But having a car comes with responsibility. If you really love your car and want it to serve you longer, you must be ready to maintain it properly. Doing so will ensure you don't waste money on expensive repairs. Here are some maintenance tips to keep your car in good shape. Inspecting and maintaining the tires Worn-out tires are among the greatest causes of accidents on highways, especially during rainy days. That's why you must ensure your tires are perfect. Tire pressure is also important. You don't have to put excess or inadequate pressure on the tires. That will damage them very fast. Oil changes Oil is very important in keeping your engine running. If your engine lacks oil, your car can stall, and many engine components can get damaged. A qualified mechanic should check your oil monthly and, if necessary, change it. It is good for oil to be changed by an exp ... read more

Cabin Air filter the forgotten service

Cabin Air filter the forgotten service

Cabin Air filter the forgotten service   My last blog post I talked about AC service and the various types of refrigerant. This time I want to talk about a related service that is often-overlooked, the cabin filter. The cabin filter is important to the proper functioning of you air conditioning and heating system. It filters the air coming into your HVAC system. This removes dust dirt and allergens so that you can breathe easier. It also has the effect of preventing a lot of that dirt and debris getting to the heater and evaporator cores. These are the devices that add or take away heat to keep you cool or warm. This is important for the air conditioning evaporator core. Because it often gets wet from condensation that can attract dirt. This dirt can and does become a breeding ground for mold and bacteria. This not only can coat the evaporator core and cause the efficiency to drop. It can introduce odors and allergens that are not particularly good for you as well. If you servi ... read more


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