Get Your Air Conditioner Checked
Before The Summer Months Are Here

You should have the operation of your air conditioning system inspected periodically. This is to make sure all parts are working correctly and that the refrigerant is fully charged.
We will inspect your air conditioning during your State Inspection. The A/C system helps to clear your windshield in the winter months and defrosters are a state inspection item for most cars and trucks.
We have a new A/C units for both R134A and the latest R1234YF refrigerants which can recover, recycle, and replace your refrigerant with the precise amount required in todays cars. As well as check for gross systems leaks.
I don't use the air conditioner. Do I need to have it fixed?
Possibly, depending on the age of your vehicle!
In the late 1990's and early 2000's, cars and light trucks started using the air conditioning system all year long. Your air conditioner cools the interior of your car in the summer, and in the winter acts as a dehumidifier removing moisture from the air when using the defroster. This helps to clear your windshield quicker – and is one of the items checked during a State inspection.
Also on some hybrid vehicles the A/C is used to cool the high voltage battery pack to maintain performance and long life.