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Monthly Archives: February 2022

The Important Role of Vehicle Airbags

The Important Role of Vehicle Airbags

Technology has played an enormous role in advancing our vehicle's safety components, especially airbags. If and when you get in a crash, you can have confidence that you will be protected by these puffy devices. Airbags are becoming safer and smarting, saving thousands of lives every year. Today, we will be going over how airbags work and what they do to protect you.   When driving in your vehicle, you and your passenger's bodies have the same momentum as the car. Therefore, when your car abruptly stops (or hits something), your body's momentum keeps going. You will keep moving forward at the same speed unless you have resistance from your seat belt and airbags. Airbags have sensors that detect when your car hits something, and they will inflate to protect your body from flying out of your vehicle. The combination of seat belts and airbags is undeniably powerful in keeping you safe, which is why they are required to be made and checked in every car.    Wh ... read more